Emailing direct deposit pay stubs
After assigning check numbers and sending your bank the direct deposit file, you can email pay stubs to employees paid by direct deposit.
Check stubs are emailed for records in the direct deposit batch that have 0000 as the check number.
You use the5-2-4 Payroll Checks window to print and email pay stubs. When you print pay stubs for employees paid by direct deposit, the stubs are first emailed to employees with an email address, and then printed for employees without an email address. (You can also print pay stubs for employees to whom you email pay stubs.)
Before emailing pay stubs
Use the 5-2-5 Direct Deposit File Manager to select payroll records to which to assign check numbers. You use 0000 as the check number for pay stubs you want to email.
Make sure to note the criteria you use to select records, so that you can apply the same criteria when printing and emailing the check stubs.
Tip: It's a good idea to preview the stubs to confirm the recipients that will not receive emailed stubs.
- In the 5-2-4 Payroll Checks window, verify that the email settings are correct.
To email pay stubs:
- Open 5-2-4 Payroll Checks.
- Select one of the following reports:
- 5-2-4-22 Payroll Checks~Direct Deposit
- 5-2-4-32 Payroll Checks~Direct Deposit with Paygroup Year to Date
- 5-2-4-37 Payroll Checks~Direct Deposit with Paygroup Compensation
- Select Reprint Check Stub.
- Click the print button on the toolbar .
Click [Yes] to send the reports by email.
Note: If you are sending the messages through Microsoft Outlook and you receive a message about a program sending an email message on your behalf, click [Allow].
Caution! If you choose not to email the reports, and you decide to email them later, you will have to set the check number back to 0000, re-print the check, and then email the stub.
- Click [Yes] to print the report, or click [No] to exit.